The lowcountry of South Carolina is blessed with a very high deer density. All of our deer hunting is done from safe, comfortable, welded steel tower stands situated in a variety of habitats – ranging from cutovers to river bottomlands.
Hunters may harvest 1 buck and 1 hog per sitting, 2 sittings per day. After September 15th, hunters may harvest one antlerless deer for the duration of their trip.
Stand placements offer shots that range from 50 - 400 yards. The average shot is 125 yards.
What our guests say...
Hi Jim (aka Worlds best alligator hunter)
You sure earned that title this past weekend. I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the time hunting and spending time with your family and friends. You have a truly super family. Hunting with your son was icing on the cake. He is a remarkable young man. If anyone ever questions your slogan about leaving as a friend be sure and send them my way. The memories that my sons and I created with you will last a life time. I know you really went the extra mile to insure a super experience for myself and my two boys. Putting that big smile on John Jr was no easy task. For that I can't thank you enough. Your facilities are world class. I can't recall ever being made to feel so welcome as you, Henry and your family did for us. I could go on and on.